Sunday, November 11, 2007

ORM/Social Marketing- Concluding Part

So, I started off with preparing a grid. The grid is divided into various forms/Categories ike Blogs, Sharing Platform, Answers Forums, Comunity Forums, Deals Forums etc.

And against each category I pointed out specific Objectives/.Challenges and Action points.

This grid can be tracked over a fortnight and since this would be a log term process, I guess this will give us some good information if looked in retrospect.

I had to involve my PR organisation, due to policy and compliance issues, but I am sure everyone will appreciate that Social Marketing/ORM is a more procative and involving form of marketing, and help from PR gives it the credibility and buy-in internally.

While I conclude this post now, very soon I will come back with more stuff on 2 things

1. Mobile Marketing and Scope in India

2. Social Marketing: Scope in India

till then
