Sunday, November 11, 2007

ORM/Social Marketing- Concluding Part

So, I started off with preparing a grid. The grid is divided into various forms/Categories ike Blogs, Sharing Platform, Answers Forums, Comunity Forums, Deals Forums etc.

And against each category I pointed out specific Objectives/.Challenges and Action points.

This grid can be tracked over a fortnight and since this would be a log term process, I guess this will give us some good information if looked in retrospect.

I had to involve my PR organisation, due to policy and compliance issues, but I am sure everyone will appreciate that Social Marketing/ORM is a more procative and involving form of marketing, and help from PR gives it the credibility and buy-in internally.

While I conclude this post now, very soon I will come back with more stuff on 2 things

1. Mobile Marketing and Scope in India

2. Social Marketing: Scope in India

till then


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While monitoring of blog posts on your company is good, and is very useful as a reputation indicator, it is hard for a corporate to have credibility when responding to such posts.
On the other hand if companies offered space on their website for customers to post their complaints and responded there, it would be a very valuable tool. For example, I am currently very frustrated with after sales services of a leading tv manufacturer - i am sure their management is not aware of the difficulties I am facing, but there is no way to let them know. Or share the specific issue with other customers.